Coping when feelings feel overwhelming

Sometimes feelings can seem overwhelming...

stress image

Remember that feelings are simply feelings and there no 'bad' feelings... All feelings are OK. The important bit is how we manage feelings and deal with them when they feel overwhelming.


Let it out - safely!

Here are some ideas young people have shared about how they learnt to understand and deal withoverwhelming feelings:

Sometimes our feelings can become too much to bear. Try some of these ideas to help let them out safely…

  • Have a pillow fight with the wall or punch a pillow
  • Strenuous exercise  - do sit ups!
  • Tear up paper into really small pieces
  • Run / cycle / Go for a stompy walk
  • Sing at the top of your voice
  • Throw socks against the wall
  • Paint / colour / scribble 
  • Play with a stress ball or burst bubble wrap
  • Write it down and scrunch the feeling and throw it away!

Wellbeing Toolkit

When you've let the feelings go and you're feeling better try a breathing or relaxation activity to help (you can find some ideas in the Wellbeing Toolkit

There are some great ideas for coping with feelings in this video!

It's good to talk!

Remember. Whatever you are feeling you can talk to someone about anything... even if it feels awful or small. You can talk to a trusted adult, a friend, a GP or nurse or a helpline - e.g. Childline  0800 1111

See the get help section for more ideas. Not sure how to ask for help? See Asking for Help in the toolkit