Feeling Safe, Staying Safe...

...whether you are online or out and about!

A True Story 

This film is a true story of a young person in Cornwall. They wanted to share what happened to help other young people. The young person worked with us to tell their story and create this animation.  

Online life is mostly great but sometimes it can go wrong... 


The main message of this young person's story...

The message is simple to say but sometimes hard to follow:

  • don't share personal stuff online

  • if something feels scary / uncomfortable  - leave the group or the site and;

  • above all tell someone so you don't worry and suffer alone.

The young person in the video knew all about the stay messages but when people started bullying them online and making threats to hurt their family - they didn't tell anyone - for lots of reasons - like they didn't want to worry mum and dad. They thought that if they told mum or dad or someone at school they might get angry...  So they suffered in silence for a long time. It made them feel very, very low and think about hurting themselves. 

But when they did tell - no one was angry:

  • the adults were relieved they had finally spoken and
  • very sad about all that happened to the young person. 

So, if you are bothered about anything, anything at all, online please Tell Someone:   


You can

Tell someone image

The Big Ask has some Big Answers

Iin 2021 the Children's Commissioner for England asked YP to complete the BIg Ask survey.... and over half a million of you did! WOW! 

Now the Big Answers to the Big Ask are out and one of the main talking points has been about C&YP staying safe... in your communities and online 

Check out the OSCP

Cornwall and the IOS Our Safeguarding Children Partnership (OSCP) has lots about staying safe: