Survival Guide
- Learn to recognise the signs of stress. If you feel overwhelmed or your stress feel too. Talk (to friends / parents or carers / school staff). Our Get Help page has some useful ideas too.
- Remember to focus on yourself not your friends, so avoid comparing your revision with that of your classmates. Everybody does it differently and they don't tell you (or themselves) the truth about just how well it is going. .
- Manage your time. Make a realistic timetable. Stick to it. Everyone approaches revision in different ways so make sure you’ve chosen the method that works best for you.
- Plan breaks and treats into your revision schedule in order to reward yourself. This includes exercise and time to just play!
- Eat healthily by having breakfast and plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. Try to avoid junk food.
- Get your eight hours sleep. Wind down before bed by putting away your mobile and tablet.
Our brilliant friend Pooky Knightsmith made this fab guide to acing those exams!
Our huge thanks to Pooky for some great ideas.
5 Ideas for Coping with Anxiety - great suggestions for exam stress.
Another awesome tool to help you cope from Pooky!
There's more stress busting ideas and activities in our Wellbeing Toolkit